The Happy List

By Deejimon TV - December 08, 2013

The happy list

Yayy! I am now joining "The Happy List" after reading so much entries of bloggers from different platforms (wordpress, blogger, tumblr) and I can say that there are so many things in life that we have to appreciate for us to be happy ~ even the littlest things! So here's mine.

  1. Reading emails (about blog comments, blog collabs, product reviews, blogging projects).
  2. Reading good books.
  3. Work bonuses/ incentives (free movie passes).
  4. LOOKBOOK hypes and lovely comments.
  5. Playing with my little sister.
  6. Photo shoots and taking awesome shots!
  7. Precious moments with friends, just messing around.
  8. Weekend parties and VIP accommodations.
  9. Great hair day.
  10. That last 10 minutes before going home from the office.
  11. Day offs.
  12. Winter-y breeze every morning.
By the way, the mastermind of this Happy List thingy is CamieJuan from Wild-Spirit! Such a great blogger from Tumblr and I admit, one of pretty bloggers out there that I wanna meet someday. She also bleach her hair! How about you, what is your happy list?

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