Devoting Myself on TeamFollowBack

By Deejimon TV - May 29, 2010

I have been a user of twitter for almost a month now but I am having a hard time to gather followers. Twitter followers are important because the more followers you have, the more famous you are in twitter.

I am also using my twitter account to earn money online because some of my tweets are earning extra bucks. I have used special softwares to booze up my followers but some of them were gone for unknown reasons. But they helped me a lot.

What I am doing right now is I am devoting myself on #TeamFollowBack on twitter. The concept of this campaign is to gather people who follows back. I am shouting their name and they must follow each other. So if you want me to shout your name to have lots of followers, you can do the same.

Here are the steps that you should do to for me to Shout your name:

  • Follow me @llamasjournal
  • @ me so I can recognize and follow you back
  • Wait for my shout that contains your name and other users.
  • Follow all of them so they will follow you back.
  • Do what I did and include this: #TeamFollowBack
This campaign is very effective to me, I am having followers every hour and I am having fun doing this.=))

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