Work Hard Today. Tomorrow We will Take a Rest

By Deejimon TV - August 17, 2010

I am busy. Busy enough for me not to blog that often and hijack keywords like I always do before. Things have changed now. I am always busy. I am always stressed. I am always problematic.

Why am I writing this blog post by the way? Knowing that I have to do 3 programs for my major subject, 1 web page, and a lot more.

Work, work, work! That's what I should do right now. But my mind is tired. I don't want to do anything. I just want to take a rest and leave everything. I will be back with a fresh mind set.

Yes! I will work hard today because tomorrow, I will take a rest.

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  1. Well, working as a student does not stop there. It's when you retire that you'll take a rest or when your an employee or an owner of an IT Company (ah, don't forget to hire me as a cleaner ^_^)... you'll get the fruits your of your labor at the end.

    No, i am not an IT student only basics in computer programming but that stuck-up for a long time..lolz..

    comment ka naman dito o:

    hihi.. thanks a million!


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