
Waiting for my parcels

By Deejimon TV - December 07, 2010

I felt so generous for the month of November and decided to spend some of my money on paypal account. I bought accessories for my Nokia 5800 and also protective screen. After that, my mom saw this dress on ebay and she did like it. Since I won $20 at that day, I decided to buy that dress as a surprise gift for her.

Last week I guess, I bought 2 beanie hats for me and my cousin and I am expecting it to arrive before Saturday because I need to wear it on our party this coming Saturday.

So here is the exact list of the items that I am waiting:

1. Accessories for my phone
2. Screen Protector
3. Dress for my mom
4. 2 beanie hats

I am hearing news that the parcels are kinda slow because holiday season is approaching and the post office in Hong Kong and South Korea are delivering tons of parcels so they said that it will take time.

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