
We are the Champs: Debate Contest

By Deejimon TV - December 04, 2010

This is just a recap of what happened on our school's first OrgFest. Day 1 was okay. I didn't do much except for selling movie tickets at the lobby. The good thing was the time I sat there, no one dared to buy their tickets maybe because the movie have already started and they don't want to catch up. Maybe I sold 9 tickets. Guess what, I watched movies for free because of what I did. :)

Me selling movie ticks
Day 2 was good. My time was so limited because I was supposed to handle the scrabble contest but it was conflict on my other sched. I need to prepare for the debate contest. Luckily, I have awesome friends who helped me. They decided to assist the game and they just gave me the top 3 of the game.

If you can recall my previous post entitled "Break a leg Debaters!", I have given our topic. I did not prepare that much because of some things that I must really prioritize at that moment.

The debate contest went well. The participants were really good and the fight was so tight. But in the end, WE WON THE CONTEST! We got the gold medals and trophy! 

My Profs and team mates
Me wearing the gold medallion 
The whole event was a success and I really had fun. The best thing was the birthday song thingy where my friends sang so loud like a pirates and they all greeted me! *LoL* Special thanks to my friend Cedngasngu for his special blog post just for my birfdayy! :D

The trophy, medals, and experiences are a very good birthday gift for me! Thanks for the experience!

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  1. wow! congrats for winning the debate contest! you're so talented pala. :D btw, what movie did you watch? :)

    belated happy birthday deej! :D


    HEHE. Thanks!

    I watched 21 and The Sorcerrer's Apprentice on Day 1. :)

  3. woot...cge...salamat sa pagdaan...add na kita... :)


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