Interesting Classes so Far

By Deejimon TV - September 22, 2010

Second term is just getting started and I am still adjusting my time for my blog posts, paid reviews, PTC sites, and earning money online. All I know now is I am doing good and I will try to focus more and I will not let anything disturb me.

My friends are great. But we don't have so much time to talk and update each other because they chose the early classes.

I also have my favorite and subjects now such as:

1. World Literature
2. Ethics and Values
3. Multimedia Technology

As you can see, the two listed above are just my minor subjects. If you want to see the complete list of subjects, visit this. I am looking forward for my Multimedia subject because this is my field of interest. I want to enhance what I have with this field. A good teacher is a must! ;)

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